It was in March of 2021 that I found out I was pregnant with my newest baby girl. At that time my oldest was sick with covid and we thought that I had it as well because I was experiencing extreme episodes of vomiting and constantly sleeping, however my covid test was negative so I decided to take an early pregnancy test that I expected to be negative but to my surprise it wasn't so I took two more and then got a doctor confirmation. I was extremely excited but kept finding myself in a panic over everything, around that time I happened to see a post from Christie about things she had experienced during her last pregnancy and her expressing that if you were struggling you could talk to her, I immediately messaged her and asked her what a doula does and she explained that she was a support system for the expecting mother that would do what she could to make sure that things went how I wanted during delivery if I got overwhelmed or didn't understand what the doctor was wanting to do. With that I knew that I wanted her by my side during this journey. My pregnancy wasn't smooth sailing like my first one and a lot of times I felt lost and like I was failing my baby, we had bleeding at 14 weeks, she showed signs of coming at 26 weeks and I thought I was going to be hospitalized but things changed, at 37 weeks we spent six hours in the hospital with steady contractions but no progress so I was given a medicine for high blood pressure that stopped everything and we were sent home, Christie was a text or call away through all of it, she shared information to help keep me calm, she was supportive and she was always willing to come check on me if I needed her to. At 38 weeks my blood pressure was too high and I was sent to be induced.
It was a pain that I did not remember with my first one and I had several times I wanted to give up but Christie's encouragement and telling me how worth it, it all would be once my baby girl got her got me through it. After we got adjusted at the hospital Christie came back before we were discharged and took amazing photos for us, I was so nervous I'd be disgusted with my postpartum body in the pictures but some how she made me feel beautiful. A week or so later She came to check on me and baby girl and brought an incredible dinner because well she's super woman. I truly don't know what I would of done without all of Christie's help, I will recommend her to anyone who asks me about a doula and anyone looking for photography, when you book her you not only gain a professional to help you through one of the biggest journeys of your life but you gain a friend. Thank you for everything and I look forward to having you by my side one more time in the future.